Male Sex Toys | Lifestyles LifeStyles Large Condoms 10 Pack

Male Sex Toys Lifestyles LifeStyles Large Condoms 10 Pack


A larger fit condom in a special Easy-Fit shape, designed to make them easier to put on and for extra comfort during use.

  • Flared/easy fit
  • 56mm nominal width with reservoir teat
  • Natural coloured
  • Smooth texture
  • Lubricated (not spermicidal)

This product contains natural rubber latex, which may cause allergic reactions in some people. Always read the label. Use only as directed. For a non-latex alternative please try Ansell SKYN® condoms.

Important Information

In some circumstances products will be shipped directly from our retail stores. It is our store policy to have products hygienically tested by experienced staff on arrival in store to ensure they are in working order before being offered for sale.