Maximise the sensations you feel and enjoy a softer, more comfortable fit than you achieve with traditional cock rings with the ElectraStim ElectraBands. Because they’re made from an elasticated fabric, they offer a less restrictive fit than adjustable cock rings made from firmer materials such as rubber and silicone. Each band has a maximum diameter of 2.75 inches before stretching and can be stretched to a diameter in excess of 3 inches. A simple sliding adjuster lets you to tailor the cock rings to fit anywhere along your shaft or behind your testicles. Designed to be used with any ElectraStim stimulator (sold separately). We recommend using our electroconductive gel to improve sensation. Dimensions Expandable up to 2.75 inches with additional stretch Materials Made from synthetic fibres with electro-conductive properties. Features plastic slide adjusters.

Male Sex Toys Electra stim Electrastim Adjustable Fabric Cock And Scrotal Loops